Interiors, Kitchen

6 Kitchens with a Vintage Vibe

It’s snowing in the Denver area today and I am feeling hopeful. I just communicated with a client about purchasing outdoor furniture (time to start looking!), I’ve been eyeballing online seed catalogs and dreaming about being a better gardener. This is the time of year when I turn into someone who adores gardening. I envision myself outside, hands in dirt, straw hat atop my head, podcast in my ears, making magic happen. I forget how hot and dry our climate is and, ultimately, how lazy I feel when it’s 95 degrees out and I should weed, but I also feel strongly that I should sit inside and finish my book. There’s always this – maybe this year I’ll be better.

Here are some kitchens I’ve been loving recently:

This caught my eye because A. it’s lovely and B. I’m designing a kitchen right now with a pot rack like this behind the stove. (Photo Source)
I love the mustard yellow tile with those cool library lamps. I just bought a mustard yellow pillow from Target recently and it brightens up our front room – I’ve been loving this color recently. (Photo Source)
I’m a sucker for converted church homes. I think the architecture is gorgeous and why not save the structure and turn it into a home? (Photo Source)
Okay, I like this mostly because of the architecture and the yellow. The red cabinets aren’t really my cuppa – but they are eye-catching here! (Photo Source)
This only shows part of the kitchen, but what a ceiling and I love that stone wall. I also love the old wood floor – so good. (Photo Source)
I saved the best for last. Love this old country vibe from Billy Cotton. (Photo Source)
An overall view of the beautiful space. (Photo Source)

“Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world…would do this, it would change the earth.” 
― William Faulkner

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